It is just art! the "Empire of Japan" coins, my ancestors left

 Some of my ancestors were the the branch of emperor's blood from Samurai society - Meiji period.In historically our race was called "Seiwa-genji",the ancient emperor's blood" in Japan.But these days,modern society,we are the common people.Anyway my ancestors left some of ancient coins at my home for generations.I showed them below,especially,the "empire of Japan",1868AD-1947AD,coins. Some are Chinese and Thai coins.

◆ the Empire of Japan coins
Dragon was carved

Chrysanthemum,Sakura,Mt.Fuji were carved
Sakura and Chrysanthemum were carved
the Phoenix and chrysanthemum were carved

◆At the end of Edo period
Bunkyu-tuhou 1863AD-1867AD

Shin-Kan-ei-tuho afetr 1668AD

◆Chinese and Thai 


Manchukou,the Japanese colony in Chinese

◆Modern memorial coins
1964 Tokyo olympic coin

1964 Tokyo olympic coin


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