Japanese Umbrella,"Wagasa" 

Kanazawa wagasa

 Today I have strolled in the heart of Kanazawa city,Ishikawa pref. "Japanese umbrella" hung under the eaves I found.This town,Kanazawaa city" is a famous castle town in Japan.Therefore during Edo period there were many Japanese umbrella shops.But now only one there are here.

  Sometimes we can see the Geisha girls holding this umbrella on the Geisha district street,Kanazawa city if we are lucky.
Geisha holding "Wagasa"
Actually this is made of "Washi",Japan paper, a bamboo,wax and thread.I heard that the it will take more than 3months to make this Japanese.And I do not know about the price of this.But some of them costs more than $10,000.  
Kanazawa wagasa

There are various type of "Kanazawa wagasa" so that you can buy them as your souvenir in a fair price,I think.Only one shop name is "Matsuda Wagasa".These days a few follower succeed "Kanazawa wagasa skill" according to the news paper.

Various Kanazawa wagasa



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