Ancient Chinese textile,Meibutsu-gire

Hanging scroll textile

This textile on pic is one part of the hanging-scroll I have.Someone said it was made in China about 300 years ago,just Edo period in Japan.This textile is called "Meibutsu-gire" in Japan.300-700years ago "Samurai" society used these textile for "Sado",tea ceremony,tools including the hanging-scroll. Please gaze at this textile.You can see the patterns of "Birds" and "Flowers".Actually this pattern represented the ancient Chinese textile.
Ancinet Chinese drawing 1
 These two drawings are Ancient Chinese designs of Birds and Flowers.Please compare them with the textile of hanging-scroll.They have proved that the hanging-scroll came from Ancient China.These designed treasures have been resereved at "Shousou-in" of Todaiji-temple,Nara prefecture,Japan.
Ancinet Chinese drawing 2

Todaiji Shousouin in Nara

 Please look at the above hanging-scroll again.You can see the "Ume" patterns on the bottom of it.This "Ume" is the crest of  the lord of Kaga clan,present-Kanazawa city,Ishikawa pref,Japan.The lord's name of Maeda family who had 2nd powerful clan next to Tokugawa family next to Edo,Present Tokyo.Therefore this hanging-scroll has related to the lord of Maeda family.

The crest of "Maeda family" at his temple


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