Kaikarou,Japanese traditional tea shop" Chaya",Kanazawa city

Kaikarou entrance
 Kanazawa city is one of castle town,Japan so that you can see the traditional objects and view.The most popular place among foreign tourists is Geisha district,Higashi chaya-gai,Kanazawa city,Ishikawa pref.And Kanzawa is well- known for the tea ceremony founded by tea ceremony master "Rikyu Sen".
Tea room
Chaya-gai,Geisya district was gathered many tea stores and restaurants for wealthy people during Edo period,AD.1603-AD.1868. So that some tea stores still remain there.For foreign tourists I recommend this tea store and restaurant "Kaikarou".
You can enjoy drinking "Japanese tea" and seeing the traditional Japanese house,traditional culture and so on.I attache some pix of them on this webpage.And at night the real "Geisya" performs their entertaiment;dancing,playing their traditional instruments,singing and so on.
Admission fee is 750yen.If you order Japanese tea,admission fee is 1200yen.
Geisha peformance room
Geisya party is seasonal.Soon New year Geisya party will be held on 1st,2nd.6th and 7th,January,2018.Fee is 2500yen per person.The seats are 30.You need the reservation for this party. Geisha party will be held 18:30-20:00.  
Hina doll
 Now the winter is coming to Kanazawa.If you visite here,you can enjoy "Sea foods" which is good tastes this season.And "Kanazawa Oden",Japanese traditional
hodgepodge,is just season.There are many Oden-shop at the heart of Kanazawa city.Anyway Please  enjoy you new year in Kanazawa city.
Lacquer stair
Explanation of these pix.
Japanese dolls;Japanese people decorated these dolls on 3rd,March.It is princess day,what we call,"Dolls festival". This stair is covered by "
"Urushi",lacquer.Lacquer is called "Japan" in the western world.Last pic is Kimono which is one of symboles of Japan.



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