Geisha girl, throwing beans for celebrating the incoming spring

 In Japan today is "Setsubun",the day before the beginning of spring.At the most of temple and shrine throwing beans event has been held.By throwing beans we invite "happiness" and excluded "evil" out.And people ate the beans as same as the number of their ages.

  At "Utasu shrine",Kanazawa city,Ishkawa pref,Japan,"Setsubun" event had happened after noon.This area is called "Geisha district" because Geisha girls act and live here for their business at traditional Japanese restaurant,Japanese traditional hotel and so on.
 In only 11 prefecture out of 47 prefecture in Japan Geisha girls live and play their performance.

 At Utasu shrine Kanazawa Geisha gilrs took part in "Setsubun" event and threw the beans to the Kanazawa people around the ground of shrine.
 During Edo period Utasu shrine was the family shrine for the lord of Kaga clan,Maeda family.At that time Kaga clan was No2 position next to Edo,Tokyo, controlled by Tokugawa shogunate. Maeda family was too strong so that Tokugawa shogunate took this lord far away from Edo,Tokyo.

 Because Maeda family was the most strong subjects of "Hideyoshi Toyotomi" and "Nobunaga Oda". At the time most people believed next shogunate would be "Maeda family".But "Sekigahara-wars" changed the history of Japanese samurai society.
 Anyway when you come to Japan,please drop by here,Kanazawa city.You can see the traditional and ancient view in this city as same as Kyoto.Kanazawa city is called "small Kyoto".Now many foreigne tourists visit here.It takes about 2.5 hours from Tokyo by "Shinkansen bullet-train".  


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