the sign of "hidden christianity" during Edo period

Kimono owned by the princess of Maeda family
 Before I had wrote about Japanese ancient Kimono designed "the biblical Magi" which had owned by the princess of the 1st lord of Kaga clan,Toshiie Maeda The reason why is that Maeda family was the christianity.

the biblical Magi

  The 1st lord of Kaga clan,Toshiie Maeda,was
the strongest subject of "Nobunaga Oda".And "Nobunaga troops" were close to "the society of Jesus".
 So that I guessed that the 1st Maeda family had many goods designed "christianity".
emblem of IHS

the ceal of Maeda family
 And the ceal of Maeda family resembles to the emblem of "IHS", the society of Jesus.

the sword schell for christianity  
 Next this sword schell had been used by christian samurai living in Kaga clan,Kanazawa city,during Edo period.Please gaze it carefully.You can see the sahpe of "卍".It means "the cristianity cross" during Edo period.In Japan "卍” means "the temple" but at that time "christianity" had been forbidden by Tokugawa shogunate.So the hidden christian used "卍" in stead of "christian cross".
Hanging roll drawing Maeda family

  The right was the hanging scroll drawing the lord of Maeda family.He put on this kimono which designed "the hidden 卍".
In Japan this grid was called "sa aya" which came from China more than 1200 years ago,"sa aya" was used by "the noble" or "the greatest samurai" so that Tokugawa shogunate could not judge them as Christian.

 Yesterday the history and trace of "the Hidden christiabity" in Nagasaki pref and Kumamoto pref had been registered as "World Heritage Site".Here ,Kanazawa city, many hidden christianity had been transfered from Nagasaki as slaveries at the beginning of Meiji period,about 150 years ago.

 Finally the above is the Buddhism god "Marici". "卍" meaned this God "Marici".This God was the guardian for the 1st lord of Kaga clan,Tohiis Maeda too.


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